Saturday, 8 March 2014


9th March 2014

"And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands." (Psalms 90:17).

The above verse has been one of my favourite in the Scriptures and whilst meditating on it, I began to get the light behind the truth of this verse.
We pray that God should bless us and establish us and God is saying, "what do you have?".
Does God need what you have got to make you blessed or established ? No! But He doesn't want you to waste what He has given unto you, so when you are ready to use those things, He establishes them to bless you and others.

-A rod in the hand of Moses was all that was needed to pave way for over three million Israelites to pass through the red sea.

-Five stones and a sling in the hands of David was all that was needed to bring down Goliath.

-Five loaves of bread and two fishes in the hand of a boy was all that was needed to feed over 5,000 people.

-A coin in the mouth of a fish was all that was needed to pay Jesus' tax.

-The jawbone of a donkey in the hands of Samson was all that was needed to kill thousand of Philistines.

-A word from the mouth of Jesus was all that was needed to heal the son of the Centurion.

-A harp in the hands of David was all that was needed to make the evil spirit tormenting Saul to depart from him.

-A bin of flour and a jar of oil was all Elijah need to make the widow of Zeraphath survive years of famine.

-Elijah's mantle was all that was needed by Elisha to pass through river Jordan.

-Spoils in the hands of three lepers was all that was needed to bring an end to three years of famine in Israel.

-A cross on the shoulder of Jesus was all that was needed to bring salvation to mankind.

-Music from a minstrel was all Elisha need to hear from God.

Whatever you have in your hands is what God wants to use. There are no small gifts or talents. There are no 'special abilities'. Every ability you have is special. God can turn a little cup of water in your hands into ocean.
Let go of whatever you have and watch what God will do with it.
Waiting to get enough? You will never get enough! Remember the servant with one talent? He wanted more without making use of the one at hand and that was where he missed it. God will only multiply what you have only if you can take the step to make use of it.
Start now!!!


I am a person with a glorious destiny.
I am a born champion, I am born to rule my world.
I am born to win, I am born to reign in life, I am no ordinary person, I am destined for greatness.
I can see the future, so bright and clear. I can see all that God has in store for me, it is for me, nothing can take them away from me.
My claim is my claim, nobody can claim my claim. My shine is my shine, nobody can rob me of my shine. Therefore, I am ready to confront all confrontations because I can't get to the front if I don't confront them.
I know problems will come my way but I am ready to face them. I will give whatever it takes. If I die, I die but I know I am not going to die. I am going to make difficulties know I am difficult. I am going to oppose my oppositions. I will make my fears afraid. I will threaten my threat. I will captivate my captor. I will possess my possession. I know I am victorious through Jesus Christ my Saviour, therefore I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me because all things are mine!
With God I can do all things, A champion I am created to be, a champion I will be! Nobody can threaten me because I myself is a threat. Who is that fox? Who is that mountain before me? I am unstoppable, I am on fire, I am ready to crush any giant that comes my way! I am a force to reckon with, nobody should dare me!
I am in God, God is in me. I am a majority, I am an authority! I have God's authenticity, the devil is a minority. I am God's property, God is my priority, Heaven is my country! God has given me a mouth and wisdom, I have God's backing, I am so sure I can not fail.
No matter what comes my way, my life is in God's hands and He will never make a mess out of my life. God is in control, I am in charge! I will arise, I will arrive, I will shine!
So be it!